
The FarStar has several repulsorlife and ground vehicles for reconnaissance, transport and combat duties. While the Corvette could probably benefit from adding several more vehicles, the vehicle bay is filled to capacity.

Mobquet Overracer

Craft: Mobquet "Overracer"
Type: Speeder scout bike
Quantity: 6

The Mobquet Overracer is a fairly typical speeder bike. The FarStar has six of these Overracers aboard. The Overracer was originally designed as a civilian speeder bike, but the New Republic's technicians have long been modifying the speeder bike for military use.

The FarStar's Overracers now have passive sound dampeners and sensor bafflers, as well as a light laser cannon. They also have comlinks with a maximum range of 50 kilometers, allowing them to summon assistance from the main base camp.

The FarStar uses the Overracers for light recon patrols before sending a larger mission team into a newly discovered settlement. The Overracers are also used for perimeter patrol around temporary bases.

New Republic SRV-1

Craft: Aratech SRV-1
Type: Tracked scouting and retrieval vehicle
Quantity: 2

The New Republic SRV-1 is a cheap cargo transport vehicle. It is normally used for scouting duties and troop transport, but the FarStar has been deploying its two units as cargo haulers on planetary surfaces.

The vehicle uses a simple tread system, which tends to make it slower than most repulsorlife vehicles, but allows it to cross rough terrain fairly easily. Using a tracked propulsion system also substantially reduces the cost of the vehicles.

The SRV-1 has a crew of two and also has room for two gunners who man the exposed medium laser cannons mounted above the cab. The SRV-1 can carry eight troops and their equipment or up to three metric tons of cargo.

New Republic ULAV

Craft: Outdated Ultra-Light Assault Vehicle
Type: Light assault speeder
Quantity: 4

The FarStar has four ULAV (ultra-light assault vehicles) for ground combat. Dating from a design well over 20 years old, these aging ground speeders can't stand up to modern combat airspeeders, but they were all the New Republic fleet was willing to part with. The vehicle is considered fast and agile enough to effectively dodge most blaster artillery shots.

The ULAV is a small light assault speeder that hugs the ground -- its maximum altitude is a mere 60 centimeters above ground level. The vehicle has a crew of two: a pilot and a gunner. Its weapons include a twin laser cannon, a concussion grenade launcher and a rear-firing medium blaster cannon.
