Command Crew

Kaiya Adrimetrum, First Officer

Player: Monica Lowe

Kaiya Adrimetrum is first officer aboard the FarStar. She is a strong-willed and intense woman who has been molded by events beyond her control. She expects more of the same aboard the FarStar.

Adrimetrum initially began her fight against the Empire because the Empire destroyed her life. Her husband was killed by Imperial forces during the occupation of Siluria III. Adrimetrum organized her friends and relatives into a revolutionary cell, and led an attack on the Imperial governor of Siluria III. She and her freedom fighters were soon recruited into the Rebel Alliance by Corwin Shelvay, who convinced them their efforts could have greater effects elsewhere.

Since then, Adrimetrum has been a warrior, fighting the Empire and struggling to protect those fighting with her. She tends to develop strong personal ties to those in her commando teams. While that has increased efficiency and teamwork, it has also made death a greater sorrow to bear. Adrimetrum served with several teams during the Rebel Alliance's fight against the Empire. She distinguished herself in combat so much that she was recently invited to joing Page's elite commandoes. Since joining Lieutenant Page, she has earned his respect and trust.

Adrimetrum is an extermely serious woman in her early thirties. Although she still retains her youthful appearance -- with short-cut black hair and chiseled, aristocratice features -- her deep brown eyes betray a sense of weariness and a battle-weary heart.

Adrimetrum is a good leader, the kind who inspires loyalty in her followers. She is an excellent complement to Captain Ciro's subdued command style. She is strong and firm, yet knows when to unleash her aggressive nature to achieve her goals. Adrimetrum likes to negotiate from a position of strength. She is not aggressive unless she sees a clear need for such drastic action.

Watching out for her unit's safety is a great concern to her and it figures into many of her command decisions. Adrimetrum is protective of her crew when they are hurt, and accepts the risks of sending her people into combat. However, like a mother defending her young, when threatened, or her crew or her objective are put in jeopardy, she can become a dangerous, terrifying opponent. When threatened, Adrimetrum uses any tactic necessary to accomplish her mission.

Adrimetrum has made many friends over the years, including her former team's Wookiee technician, Lofryyhn. After hearing her friend was imprisoned on Moff Sarne's captial of Kal'Shebbol, Adrimetrum requested that she be part of the task force sent to liberate the planet, and made sure she was one of the elite commandoes sent to liberate the Moff's prisons.

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