Command Crew

Loh'khar the Finder


Loh'khar is the FarStar's procurement specialist -- anything the team needs, he can often scrounge up in a matter of minutes to a few hours, depending on the size and rarity of the material. The tall Twi'lek is intensely secretive about his methods and sources in obtaining equipment, and often explains his methods away by saying "If you have to ask where I got it, you must not really want it."

Many years ago, Loh'khar escaped from the Twi'lek homeworld Ryloth, apparently fleeing from some clan conspiracy working against him (or so Loh'khar claims). Through unknown means he acquired a light transport, and journeyed through the galaxy as a sort of traveling salesman, bringing odd goods from world to world and matching them with the perfect buyers. At times he settled down and worked his procurement wonders from a fixed base, often near starports and busy urban centers where entrepreneurs, smugglers and bureaucrats craved illegal, rare, or expensive items they couldn't obtain themselves. In each location he established a tight network of spies, street urchins, thieves and "buying agents" who helped him obtain what his clients wanted. In some cases, especially when he was travellin, Loh'khar did the work himself.

Rizzal, Vizzal & Nizzal
During his travels, Loh'khar traded some valuable information for three unhatched Turazza eggs. At the time, others though Loh'khar had gotten the short end of the deal, but the eggs soon hatched and the three Turazza bonded with the Twi'lek. Now the three short reptiles, Rizzal, Vizzal, and Nizzal work for Loh'khar, running errands and collecting information.

Loh'khar continued his business -- trading items and information to suit his clients -- profitting from the greater conflict created by the galactic civil war. Granted, some of his best customers were representatives of the Rebel Alliance (always in need of materiel) or the Empire, seeking shadier ways to accomplish their military objectives. But Loh'khar has always been good at playing off both, betraying them only when necessary (meaning, profitable).

Loh'khar cuts a mysterious figure. He often covers his gray tunic with a voluminous black hooded cloak. The cloak is filled with pockets stuffed with datacards, pouches of this and bits of that, useful materials to trade or juicy information to blackmail others. Loh'khar often keeps the cloak's hood covering his head, keeping his shifty eyes in shadow. He hides most of his emotions behind a stoic, business-like face.

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