Command Crew

Brophar Tofarain, Seargant

Player: Todd Hashimoto

Tofarain was enjoying the latter years of his life running his own repair facility in Kal'Shebbol's starport until the New Republic stepped in. His repair hangars and machine shops were a casualty of the fighting that forced Moff Sarne to flee Kal'Shebbol. A mistargeted concussion missile landed right in the middle of Tofarian's repair bay, obliterating his storehouse of spare parts, most of his machinery, and several small starships he was repairing. Luckily, Tofarain and his crews had already taken shelter from the attack in a local tavern down the street.

So when the New Republic began recruiting a crew for the FarStar, Tofarain was near the front of the line. He demanded some sort of compensation for the loss of his starship repair business. And if the New Republic wouldn't compensate him with credits, he insisted the FarStar take him along on its journeys since he had nowhere else to go. Offering to serve as a transport chief and shuttle pilot, Tofarain also insured his place aboard the FarStar by "lending" the New Republic his personal shuttle, the Muvon (docked far from his ill-fated repair facility) for transport duties.

Tofarain had done his fair share of traveling when he was younger. He gained his military experience (and the rank of sergeant, which he's carried around ever since) serving with a planetary militia in the Mid-Rim, then traveled the space lanes as a starship mechanic for many years. Tofarain eventually arrived on Kal'Shebbol after earning a small fortune in the free-trader and smuggling markets. He invested his credits in his repair bays, fixing ships for passing traders and later handling some repairs for Moff Sarne.

Along with the Wookie Lofryyhn, Tofarian maintains the FarStar's starfighters and provides some technical support for the ship's ground teams. He looks very much like a typical mechanic -- he's pudgy and gruff and his work coveralls are always covered in grime and sweat. He's a pushy individual, but he's also very practical. Tofarain is convinced that he's the best mechanic to work on the FarStar's support ships and fighters, and he often insists on rolling up his sleeves and doing major repair jobs himself. He's not satisfied trusting others to do the job correclty, and he often finds fault in others' work. He's always giving advice, and not always on repair jobs. Since he feels the New Republic owes him for destroying his repair bays on Kal'Shebbol, Tofarain often doles out his advice on the bridge. He feels he knows exactly how missions should be run (point-by-point) and what kind of strategy the command crew should be following in situations. While most crew members respect his advice on technical matters, they tend to ignore his loud proclamations about how other areas of the FarStar's mission should be handled.

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